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Friday, March 8, 2013

Hot Fuzz (film)

The Basics: This film is by the same guys who brought the movie ‘Shaun of the Dead’ into the world, and if you’ve seen that, you know their stuff is going to be good. The film is basically a parody of the classic ‘buddy cop’ format. The movie had a relatively small budget just under $12 million, but grossed a healthy $80 million worldwide.
The Plot: A relatively familiar plot, two incompatible cops get thrown together as partners. The setting is a small town, where mysterious and grisly murders begin to take place. While the story isn’t totally original, it serves its purpose. The real kicker here is the identity of the killer. If you think you know who it is, you don’t. The entire last 30 minutes of the film is what makes it all worth your time. All of the best jokes, twists, and comedic imagery occur inside of the final act. It is also the final act that separates this film from other generic films of its genre. While the setup is slightly recycled, the payoff is unexpected and welcome.
Acting: Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are a delightful combination. They proved their merit as a duo once before, and they continue to do so in this film. They have great on-screen chemistry. Simon Pegg plays the hardened city cop, while Nick Frost plays the loveable idiot. It has been done before, but it doesn’t cease to be funny. You will also likely catch glimpses of a few supporting characters played by actors you recognize. The acting isn’t Oscar worthy, but it’s funny and is at an appropriate level.
Effects: Taking into consideration the previously mentioned budget, the effects aren’t half bad. While most of it is spent on gore, there is a fair amount of gunshots and explosions to satisfy your action appetite. There is a fair balance between the use of props and the use of CGI. Nothing glorious here, but it is never struck me as lacking.
Additional Comments: Be on the look-out for abundant references while watching the film. There are plenty of blatant as well as subtle references to other films in the genre. Be sure to check out their other films, as they are also worthwhile.
Conclusion: The movie is funny. While none of the elements are amazing or incredible, it does what it was intended to do. The most notable feature is the film’s unanticipated ending and is well worth the wait. The movie is not bad, but it is also not groundbreaking.
Buy, Rent, or Pass?
Rent- While you’re probably not going to fall in love with this movie, it is certainly worth a watch and would be a shame to pass up. It is also best suited as a ‘Rent’ status because once you know the twist in the plot, I imagine it won’t be nearly as entertaining the second time around.

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